
I teach courses on macroeconomics, monetary policy, public economics, and programming in economics across different programs and regularly supervise bachelor and master theses. My teaching experience includes bachelor, (research) master, and PhD programs.

I hold the Dutch "University Teaching Qualification" which is awarded after passing a structured teaching program for faculty at Dutch universities. It includes courses on teaching, supervision, assessment, and course design and is completed by a comprehensive teaching portfolio.

In 2023, I have been awarded a "Teaching Innovation Grant" by the Tilburg School of Economics and Management to develop a macroeconomics course bridging the gap between bachelor and master macroeconomics. The result of this generous financial support is the course "Quantitative Dynamic Macroeconomics" as shown below.

Teaching Overview

Macroeconomics (BSc)

Principles of Macroeconomics (Tutorial):

Leipzig University: Fall 2016 to 2021

Macroeconomic for Econometrics (Lecture):

Tilburg University: Fall 2022 to 2023.

Quantitative Dynamic Macroeconomics (BSc)

Quantitative Dynamic Macroeconomics (Lecture):

Leipzig University: Spring 2022, Fall 2023.

Tilburg University: Fall 2023.

Public Economics (BSc)

Public Sector Economics (Lecture):

Tilburg University: Spring Term 2023 to 2024.

Macroeconomics (MSc/RM)

Preparatory Course (Tutorial):

Leipzig University: Spring 2019 to 2022.

Lectures on Labor Market SaM (Lecture):

Leipzig University: Spring 2017 to 2022. Fall 2017.

Macroeconomics 2 CentER (Tutorial):

Tilburg University: Spring 2023 to 2024.

Programming in Economics (BSc & PhD)

Introduction to Octave and MATLAB (Course):

Leipzig University: Spring 2020 to 2022.

Institute for Economic Research Halle: Spring 2022 to 2023.

Programming in R and Python (Course): 

Tilburg University: Spring 2023 to 2024.

Quantitative Dynamic Macroeconomics

This course teaches the basics of modern macroeconomics, especially Dynamic-Stochastic-General-Equilibrium (DSGE) models and necessary quantitative methods. The introduction of DSGE models is given in an intuitive and applied approach, leaving details for later courses. This course is meant as a bridge between intermediate macroeconomics in a bachelor program and a research master course.

Block 1 - The Basics of DSGE Models

Week 1: Motivation and Micro-founded Models

(Lecture slides)   (Formative Assessment)   (Exercises)

Week 2: Dynamic Models and Recursive Approach

(Lecture Slides)   (Exercises)

Week 3: Stochastic Models and the Data

(Lecture Slides)   (Exercises)

Block 2 - Extending the CiA Model

Week 4: Price Setting and Information Frictions

(Lecture Slides)   (Exercises)

Week 5: Capital Allocation and Taxation

(Lecture Slides)   (Exercises)

Block 3 - Dynamics in Business Cycle Models

Week 6: Solving the Dynamics of a Business Cycle Model

(Lecture Slides)   (Exercises)

Week 7: Pricing Frictions and Monetary Policy

(Lecture Slides)   (Exercises)

Block 4 - Economic (Policy) Analysis with Dynare


Introduction to Dynare

Project Description